1. Mathematics - Study (Unit Test on Wed.) 2. Social Studies - Journal (Due Tue.) 3. English Language Arts - Comprehension Questions (Due Tue.) 4. Career Education - What Is a Career? (Due Tue.)
1. There is a Bake Sale on Friday. Yummy! 2. The next cross-country practice is tomorrow. The last meet of the year is on Thursday. Runners will go to Melville. 3. Students need to bring pictures and images that they can use for their Personal Timeline in Career Education. They will be completing this project on Wednesday.
1. Congratulations to the cross-country runners that went to Saltcoats today. The next practice will be on Tuesday at lunch. The last meet of the year is on Thursday in Melville. 2. There will be at Bake Sale on Friday. Yummy!
1. The annual Saltcoats Autumn Summit Meet is tomorrow. GO KNIGHTS GO! 2. The Terry Fox Walk/Run has been rescheduled to tomorrow. Let's hope for nice weather.
1. The next cross-country practice is on Wednesday. 2. CTV Hometown Tour Visit forms are due tomorrow. 3. Terry Fox donations are also due on Wednesday.
1. Mathematics - Page 22 #2 (Due Wed.) 2. Arts Education - Name Art (Due Wed.) 3. Career Education - Decision Making (Due Wed.) 4. English Language Arts - Extra Illustration (Due Wed.)
1. The next cross-country practice is on Wednesday. 2. School pictures are tomorrow. Bring your smile:) 3. Terry Fox donations are due on Wednesday. 4. Immunization forms are due tomorrow. They were sent home today.
1. The next cross-country practice will be Monday. 2. School pictures will be on Tuesday. Bring your smile:) 3. We are collecting pledges for our Terry Fox Walk/Run.
1. The next cross-country practice will be tomorrow at noon. Today's practice was postponed. 2. Picture forms are due on Monday. 3. Bus forms are due on Friday.
1. Congratulations to our cross-country runners! They did an amazing job representing our school today. 2. The next cross-country practice is on Thursday at noon.
1. Students can decorate their shelf markers for Library Science. They need to be finished for Friday. 2. The next cross-country practice is on Friday.
1. M. C. Knoll T-shirt orders are due tomorrow. 2. Lunch permission forms are due tomorrow. 3. Milk Program forms are due tomorrow. 4. Safety Patrol forms are due on Tuesday.
1. T-shirt orders are due on Friday. 2. The first cross-country team practice is on Thursday at noon. Please have your son or daughter give the permission form to Mr. Schendel. 3. Students can bring images for their first Arts Education assignment.
1. Welcome back! 2. T-shirt orders are due on Friday. 3. The first cross-country team practice is on Thursday at noon. Please have your son or daughter give the permission form to Mr. Schendel.