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Showing posts from February, 2014

Reminders for Thursday, February 27th, 2014 (Day 1)

1.  Pizza Lunch orders are due on March 6th,  The hot lunch is on March 13th. 2.  The students will also be having a Pizza Party tomorrow at noon.  This is a reward for finishing 1st for Grades 5 to 8 in our first ever One School, One Book campaign. 3.  Track and Field T-shirt orders are due tomorrow. 4.  There is also a Bake Sale tomorrow.  Yummy! 5.  Name the Puppy Contest slips are due on Monday.

Reminders for Wednesday, February 12th, 2014 (Day 1)

1.  Our apologies!  Do to an internet glitch, the blog was under repair the last couple of days.  It's back! 2.  Your son or daughter did an amazing job representing our school at Asessippi yesterday.  Great time! 3.  There is an Early Dismissal tomorrow. 4.  Friday is Valentine's Day.  Students can bring cards and tokens for others.  I do ask that they bring one for everyone though.  It is also Red, White, and Pink Day.