1. Mathematics - Problem Solving #14, Page 54 #7 (Estimation and Multi-steps), and Graffiti Wall - Larger and Smaller Numbers in Mass Media (Due Mon.) 2. Arts Education - Winter Fun Picture (Due Mon.)
1. Term 1 Conferences will continue on Thursday. 2. Students can return the Report Card envelope. We will use them again for Term 2. 3. There is a Bake Sale on Friday and 6S and 6K are providing the baking. A letter was given on Friday.
1. Term 1 Conferences are on Wednesday and Thursday. 2. Students can return the Report Card envelope. We will use them again for Term 2. 3. There is a Bake Sale on Friday and 6S and 6K are providing the baking. A letter was given on Friday.
1. Term 1 Conferences are on Wednesday and Thursday. 2. Students can return the Report Card envelope. We will use them again for Term 2. 3. There is a Bake Sale on Friday and 6S and 6K are providing the baking. A letter was given on Friday.
1. Term 1 Conferences are on Wednesday and Thursday. 2. Students can return the Report Card envelope. We will use them again for Term 2. 3. There is a Bake Sale on Friday and 6S and 6K are providing the baking. A letter was given today.
1. Report Cards for Term 1 are going out on Friday. Have you been discussing your child's progress with them? 2. Picture Retake orders are due on Wednesday. 3. Students need to organize their binders and Mathematics portfolio. Is everything completed?
1. Report Cards for Term 1 are going out on Friday. Have you been discussing your child's progress with them? 2. Picture Retake orders are due on Wednesday.
1. English Language Arts - Journal #4 and Self-assessment (Due Thurs.) 2. Career Education - Goals for Term 2 (Due Thurs.) 3. Science and Social Studies - Unfinished Assignments for Term 1 for Mrs. Jarvis (Due Fri.)
1. The Remembrance Day Program is on Friday. We are collecting donations for poppies and we are encouraging students to dress nicely. 2. We Day is also on Friday. Some of the 6S students are off to Saskatoon for the day. Enjoy the experience
1. The Remembrance Day Program is on Friday. We are collecting donations for poppies and we are encouraging students to dress nicely. 2. We Day is also on Friday. Some of the 6S students are off to Saskatoon for the day. Enjoy the experience!
1. The Remembrance Day Program is on Friday. We are collecting donations for poppies and we are encouraging students to dress nicely. 2. We Day is also on Friday. Some of the 6S students are off to Saskatoon for the day. Enjoy the experience!
1. The Remembrance Day Program is on Friday. We are collecting donations for poppies and we are encouraging students to dress nicely. 2. We Day is also on Friday. Some of the 6S students are off to Saskatoon for the day. Enjoy the experience!