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Showing posts from 2017

Basketball Announcement

The boys' basketball has been preparing for their upcoming season.  On Thursday afternoon, the boys will battle the St. Mike's Stars in an exhibition game.  The tip-off will be at 2:00 in both gyms.  Come on out and cheer on the Knights in the first annual "Christmas Classic".

Intramural Announcement

The school intramural program started this week.  In order to maintain a healthy body, one needs to get plenty of rest, practice proper hygiene, eliminate bad habits, get plenty of exercise, and have proper nutrition.  This year intramurals will emphasize exercise and proper nutrition.  Students in Grades 3 to 8 have the option to sign-up for an exciting activity/game during the morning and afternoon recesses.  At the end, they can grab a nutritious snack.  This week they can grab a healthy juice box and apple on their way back to the classroom.

Cross-country Announcements

Congratulations to the amazing 48 runners that represented M. C. Knoll yesterday.  The weather was cool, but the results were sizzling. Our next meet is on Monday.  A letter was given to each runner today about the details for the Deer Park Meet.

A message from Mr. Schendel

Welcome back everyone!  I look forward to the upcoming school year and having the privilege of working with a variety of age groups during Physical Education classes.  Many classes will be in our wonderful gym, but there will be some classes outside as well.  All students should have proper footwear (running shoes) for the outdoor classes.

Reminders for Thursday, June 22nd, 2017 (Day 1)

1..  We will be Glow Bowling with 5M on Monday.  Students will need to pay $3.50 and bring back the permission letter by Friday. 2.  Students can bring board games and card games to school.  We learned about "Statistics and Probability" in Mathematics. 3.  5SA will be watching a movie on Friday afternoon with 5M.  Students can bring a drink and a snack for the movie.

Reminders for Wednesday, June 21st, 2017 (Day 6)

1..  We will be Glow Bowling with 5M on Monday.  Students will need to pay $3.50 and bring back the permission letter by Friday. 2.  Students can bring board games and card games to school.  We learned about "Statistics and Probability" in Mathematics. 3.  5SA will be watching a movie on Friday afternoon with 5M.  Students can bring a drink and a snack for the movie.

Reminders for Tuesday, June 6th, 2017 (Day 1)

1.  Yearbook orders were sent home on Monday.  The deadline is Friday. 2.  The Grade 4/5 Track and Field Meet will be tomorrow.  It's a full day of Physical Education.  A permission letter and schedule was sent home on Monday. 3.  The annual "Walk and Roll" will also be tomorrow.  Students and staff are encouraged to choose an active way for coming to school.

Reminders for Monday, June 5th, 2017 (Day 6)

1.  Yearbook orders were sent home on Monday.  The deadline is Friday. 2.  The Grade 4/5 Track and Field Meet will be on Wednesday.  It's a full day of Physical Education.  A permission letter and schedule was sent home today. 3.  The annual "Walk and Roll" will be on Wednesday.  Students and staff are encouraged to choose an active way for coming to school.

Reminders for Tuesday, May 2nd, 2017 (Day 2)

1.  "Survivor" will be on Friday afternoon.  It will be an opportunity for students to have fun and learn more about Canada. 2.  There will be a Book Fair on Wednesday and Thursday in our gym.  Items will be 50% off. 3.  There will be another Spirit Day on Wednesday.  With "Survivor Canada" just around the corner, students and staff are encouraged to wear red and white.

Reminders for Monday, May 1st, 2017 (Day 1)

1.  "Survivor" will be on Friday afternoon.  It will be an opportunity for students to have fun and learn more about Canada. 2.  There will be a Book Fair on Wednesday and Thursday in our gym.  Items will be 50% off. 3.  There will be another Spirit Day on Wednesday.  With "Survivor Canada" just around the corner, students and staff are encouraged to wear red and white.

Reminders for Monday, March 13th, 2017 (Day 3)

1.  Hit the pumps today!  "Fuel Our School" is today. 2.  Report Cards were sent home on Friday.  Please have the important conversations with your son or daughter. 3.  Student-Led Conferences are tomorrow and Wednesday. 4.  The Pizza Lunch is on Thursday.  Delicious! 5.  There is no school on Friday. 

Reminders for Friday, March 10th, 2017 (Day 2)

1.  Hit the pumps on Monday!  "Fuel Our School" is on Monday.  For more details, contact Mr. Adams. 2.  Report Cards were sent home today.  Please have the important conversations with your son or daughter. 3.  Student-Led Conferences are on Tuesday and Wednesday. 4.  The Pizza Lunch is on Thursday.  Delicious! 5.  There is no school on Friday.