The school intramural program started this week. In order to maintain a healthy body, one needs to get plenty of rest, practice proper hygiene, eliminate bad habits, get plenty of exercise, and have proper nutrition. This year intramurals will emphasize exercise and proper nutrition. Students in Grades 3 to 8 have the option to sign-up for an exciting activity/game during the morning and afternoon recesses. At the end, they can grab a nutritious snack. This week they can grab a healthy juice box and apple on their way back to the classroom.
1. Pow Wow Presentation on Monday. Exciting! 2. Students need to bring a photograph that represents their identity for Arts Education. They will be painting the photograph on Monday. 3. Students need to organize their binders. Mr. Schendel will be checking them next week. 4. Early Dismissal is on Thursday. 5. Yearbook orders are due Friday, June 15th. 6. The exciting Kenosee trip is on Monday, June 18th